INSTRUCTIONS: In order to qualify to submit any tools to the National Center on Intensive Intervention, you must read and accept the marketing language agreement below. The agreement outlines the intent and purpose of the tools charts and NCII’s prohibition against inaccurate or misleading language (i.e., making claims about NCII’s endorsement of a product, or a product’s superiority over another product) in any of your promotional materials. You must accept these terms in order to proceed. If you decline these terms, you will be redirected to the login page.
By accepting this agreement I have indicated my understanding of the intent and purpose of NCII tools charts, and my agreement to use language that is consistent with this purpose in any marketing materials that will be used to publicize my product’s presence and ratings on the chart.
Specifically, I understand the following:
When marketing my product, I will not use any language that is inconsistent with the above. Examples of inappropriate marketing language include, but may not be limited to, the following:
If NCII becomes aware of any marketing material on my product that violates this agreement, I understand that I risk removal of the product from the chart. I also understand that I may draft language and submit to NCII staff for review in advance of releasing it, in order to ensure compliance with this agreement.
I have read and understand the terms and conditions of this Agreement. By selecting "I AGREE", I signify my agreement to comply with all requirements contained herein.